Tuned up the toms are well focussed yet offer a decent sustain and sing harmoniously with each other Additionally, using considerably less material to produce these new lugs reduces manufacturing costs which results in a much more affordable kit. Tama suggests that by reducing the surface area that the lugs occupy on the shell, there is less hindrance of shell resonance. These small rubber-lined nut-boxes are not the most elegant we’ve seen, but are perfectly functional. While the 14'圆½' snare drum features Tama’s original dual Superstar lugs, the kick drum and toms use a newly designed low-mass single lug (12 for the rack toms, and 16 for the floor tom and bass drum), which is a first for the Superstar series. The badge also neatly incorporates an air vent. With a classy nod to the kit’s ’70s origins, each Superstar Classic drum proudly sports the original T-shape Tama badge.
The diagonal joins are finished well although they are visible both inside and out.